FF7 game Shark Codes

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FF7 game Shark Codes

                                    --Joker Codes--
                                    4.1. In-Town Button Joker Code                               D009AB28 xxxx
                                    Put this above a code so the code will activate whenever the specified
                                    button is pressed in a town.
                                    xxxx     Button             xxxx     Button
                                    0000     None               0080     Square
                                    0001     L2                 0100     Select
                                    0002     R2                 0800     Start
                                    0004     L1                 1000     Up
                                    0008     R1                 2000     Right
                                    0010     Triangle           4000     Down
                                    0020     Circle             8000     Left
                                    0040     X
                                    If you want to use multiple buttons, add the values together. For
                                    0003     L2 and R2
                                    0900     Select and Start
                                    0038     R1, Triangle and Circle
                                    4.2. Colour Box Joker Code                                   D01D252C 0000
                                    Put this above a code so the code will activate when the red component in
                                    the menu is 000. It will deactivate when the red component is 001 or
                                    Press Triangle. Go to config, and bring up the color selector for the top
                                    left color. Change the red component on the slider to 000. Even if it is,
                                    you must do this to activate the code. Exit the menu and the code will be
                                    To turn it off, go back to the slider and change the red to component to
                                    anything greater than 000.
                                    Created by: Dean Connell
                                    4.3. World Map Button Joker Code                             D00C848C xxxx
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley.
                                    Use this exactly the same as the first code, but on the World Map instead.
                                    Check the first Joker Code for more information.
                                    xxxx     Button             xxxx     Button
                                    0000     None               0080     Square
                                    0001     L2                 0100     Select
                                    0002     R2                 0800     Start
                                    0004     L1                 1000     Up
                                    0008     R1                 2000     Right
                                    0010     Triangle           4000     Down
                                    0020     Circle             8000     Left
                                    0040     X
                                    If you want to use multiple buttons, add the values together. For
                                    0003     L2 and R2
                                    0900     Select and Start
                                    0038     R1, Triangle and Circle
                                    4.4. In-Battle Button Joker Code                             D00512C0 xxxx
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley. I have not currently tested it.
                                    This works exactly the same as the first code, but activates In-Battle.
                                    I'd recommend reading the first code to find out how to use it.
                                    xxxx     Button             xxxx     Button
                                    0000     None               0080     Square
                                    0001     L2                 0100     Select
                                    0002     R2                 0800     Start
                                    0004     L1                 1000     Up
                                    0008     R1                 2000     Right
                                    0010     Triangle           4000     Down
                                    0020     Circle             8000     Left
                                    0040     X
                                    If you want to use multiple buttons, add the values together. For
                                    0003     L2 and R2
                                    0900     Select and Start
                                    0038     R1, Triangle and Circle
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                   --5.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                               --Codes: Inventory--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    5.1. Item Modifier                                           8009Cxxx yzzz
                                    This will overwrite the item slot you select with the item you specify.
                                    Make sure not to overwrite a slot where there was already an item, as
                                    major and permanent glitches can occur.
                                    xxx     Slot where Chosen Item appears
                                    AAC     Slot 1
                                    AAE     Slot 2
                                    AB0     Slot 3
                                    AB2     Slot 4
                                    AB4     Slot 5
                                    BE3     Slot 316
                                    BE5     Slot 317
                                    BE7     Slot 318
                                    BE9     Slot 319
                                    BEB     Slot 320 (last slot)
                                    To get the slots inbetween, keep adding 2. Remember, A9 plus 2 equals AB
                                    and AE plus 2 equals B0. Refer to this hexadecimal system and you should
                                    be fine.
                                    00 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 0A - 0B - 0C - 0D - 0E -
                                    0F - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 1A - 1B - 1C - 1D -
                                    1E - 1F - 20
                                    y       Amount of Item
                                    0       0
                                    1       8
                                    2       16
                                    3       24
                                    4       32
                                    5       40
                                    6       48
                                    7       56
                                    8       64
                                    9       72
                                    A       80
                                    B       88
                                    C       96
                                    I'm still trying to work out how to get amounts that aren't multiples of
                                    zzz   Chosen Item              zzz   Chosen Item
                                    000   Potion                   0A0   Gatling Gun
                                    001   Hi-Potion                0A1   Assault Gun
                                    002   X-Potion                 0A2   Cannon Ball
                                    003   Ether                    0A3   Atomic Scissorss
                                    004   Turbo Ether              0A4   Heavy Vulcan
                                    005   Elixir                   0A5   Chainsaw
                                    006   Megalixir                0A6   Microlaser
                                    007   Phoenix Down             0A7   A.M Cannon
                                    008   Antidote                 0A8   W Machine Gun
                                    009   Soft                     0A9   Drill Arm
                                    00A   Maiden's Kiss            0AA   Solid Bazooka
                                    00B   Cornucopia               0AB   Rocket Punch
                                    00C   Echo Screen              0AC   Enemy Launcher
                                    00D   Hyper                    0AD   Pile Bunker
                                    00E   Tranquilizer             0AE   Maximum Ray
                                    00F   Remedy                   0AF   Missing Score
                                    010   Smoke Bomb               0B0   Mythril Clip
                                    011   Speed Drink              0B1   Diamant Pin
                                    012   Hero Drink               0B2   Silver Barrette
                                    013   Vaccine                  0B3   Gold Barrette
                                    014   Grenade                  0B4   Adaman Clip
                                    015   Shrapnel                 0B5   Crystal Comb
                                    016   Bomb's Right Arm         0B6   Magic Comb
                                    017   Hourglass                0B7   Platinum Barrette
                                    018   Kiss of Death            0B8   Centclip
                                    019   Spider Web               0B9   Hairpin
                                    01A   Dream Powder             0BA   Seraph Comb
                                    01B   Mute Mask                0BB   Behemoth Horn
                                    01C   War Gong                 0BC   Spriggan Clip
                                    01D   Leco weed                0BD   Limited Moon
                                    01E   Fire Fang                0BE   Guard Stick
                                    01F   Fire Veil                0BF   Mythril Rod
                                    020   Antarctic Wind           0C0   Full Metal Staff
                                    021   Ice Crystal              0C1   Striking Staff
                                    022   Bolt Plume               0C2   Prism Staff
                                    023   Swift Bolt               0C3   Aurora Rod
                                    024   Earth Drum               0C4   Wizard Staff
                                    025   Earth Mallet             0C5   Wiser Staff
                                    026   Deadly Waste             0C6   Fairy Tale
                                    027   Molbor's Tentacles       0C7   Umbrella
                                    028   Stardust                 0C8   Princess Guard
                                    029   Vampire Fang             0C9   Spear
                                    02A   Ghost Hand               0CA   Slash Lance
                                    02B   Basilisk Claw            0CB   Trident
                                    02C   Light Curtain            0CC   Mast Ax
                                    02D   Lunar Curtain            0CD   Partisan
                                    02E   Mirror                   0CE   Viper Halberd
                                    02F   Holy Torch               0CF   Javelin
                                    030   Bird Wing                0D0   Grow Lance
                                    031   Dragon Scales            0D1   Mop
                                    032   Impaler                  0D2   Dragoon Lance
                                    033   Shrivel                  0D3   Scimitar
                                    034   Eye drop                 0D4   Flayer
                                    035   Molotov                  0D5   Spirit Lance
                                    036   S-mine                   0D6   Venus Gospel
                                    037   8 Inch Cannon            0D7   4-point Shuriken
                                    038   Graviball                0D8   Boomerang
                                    039   T/S Bomb                 0D9   Pinwheel
                                    03A   Ink                      0DA   Razor Ring
                                    03B   Dazers                   0DB   Hawkeye
                                    03C   Dragon Fang              0DC   Crystal Cross
                                    03D   Cauldron                 0DD   Wind Slash
                                    03E   Sylkis Greens            0DE   Twin Viper
                                    03F   Reagan Greens            0DF   Spiral Shuriken
                                    040   Mimett Greens            0E0   Supperball
                                    041   Curiel Greens            0E1   Magic Shuriken
                                    042   Pahsana Greens           0E2   Rising Sun
                                    043   Tantal Greens            0E3   Oritsuru
                                    044   Krakka Greens            0E4   Conformer
                                    045   Gysahl Greens            0E5   Yellow Megaphone
                                    046   Tent                     0E6   Green Megaphone
                                    047   Power Source             0E7   Blue Megaphone
                                    048   Guard Source             0E8   Red Megaphone
                                    049   Magic Source             0E9   Crystal Megaphone
                                    04A   Mind Source              0EA   White Megaphone
                                    04B   Speed Source             0EB   Black Megaphone
                                    04C   Luck Source              0EC   Silver Megaphone
                                    04D   Zeio Nut                 0ED   Trumpet Shell
                                    04E   Carob Nut                0EE   Gold Megaphone
                                    04F   Porov Nut                0EF   Battle Trumpet
                                    050   Pram Nut                 0F0   Starlight Phone
                                    051   Lasan Nut                0F1   HP Shout
                                    052   Saraha Nut               0F2   Quicksilver
                                    053   Luchile Nut              0F3   Shotgun
                                    054   Pepio Nut                0F4   Shortbarrel
                                    055   Battery                  0F5   Lariat
                                    056   Tissue                   0F6   Winchester
                                    057   Omnislash                0F7   Peacemaker
                                    058   Catastrophe              0F8   Buntline
                                    059   Final Heaven             0F9   Long Barrel R
                                    05A   Great Gospel             0FA   Silver Rifle
                                    05B   Cosmo Memory             0FB   Sniper CR
                                    05C   All Creation             0FC   Supershot ST
                                    05D   Chaos                    0FD   Outsider
                                    05E   Highwind                 0FE   Death Penalty
                                    05F   1/35 Soldier             0FF   Masamune
                                    060   Super Sweeper            100   Bronze Bangle
                                    061   Masamune Blade           101   Iron Bangle
                                    062   Save Crystal             102   Titan Bangle
                                    063   Combat Diary             103   Mythril Armlet
                                    064   Autograph                104   Carbon Bangle
                                    065   Gambler                  105   Silver Armlet
                                    066   Desert Rose              106   Gold Armlet
                                    067   Earth Harp               107   Diamond Bangle
                                    068   Guide Book               108   Crystal Bangle
                                    069   <blank>                  109   Platinum Bangle
                                    06A   <blank>                  10A   Rune Armlet
                                    06B   <blank>                  10B   Edincoat
                                    06C   <blank>                  10C   Wizard Bracelet
                                    06D   <blank>                  10D   Adaman Bangle
                                    06E   <blank>                  10E   Gigas Armlet
                                    06F   <blank>                  10F   Imperial Guard
                                    070   <blank>                  110   Aegis Armlet
                                    071   <blank>                  111   Fourth Bracelet
                                    072   <blank>                  112   Warrior Bangle
                                    073   <blank>                  113   Shinra Beta
                                    074   <blank>                  114   Shinra Alpha
                                    075   <blank>                  115   Four Slot
                                    076   <blank>                  116   Fire Armlet
                                    077   <blank>                  117   Aurora Armlet
                                    078   <blank>                  118   Bolt Armlet
                                    079   <blank>                  119   Dragon Armlet
                                    07A   <blank>                  11A   Minerva Band
                                    07B   <blank>                  11B   Escort Guard
                                    07C   <blank>                  11C   Mystile
                                    07D   <blank>                  11D   Ziedrich
                                    07E   <blank>                  11E   Precious Watch
                                    07F   <blank>                  11F   Chocobracelet
                                    080   Buster Sword             120   Power Wrist
                                    081   Mythril Saber            121   Protect Vest
                                    082   Hardedge                 122   Earring
                                    083   Butterfly Edge           123   Talisman
                                    084   Enhance Sword            124   Choco Feather
                                    085   Organics                 125   Amulet
                                    086   Crystal Sword            126   Champion Belt
                                    087   Force Stealer            127   Poison Ring
                                    088   Rune Blade               128   Toughness Ring
                                    089   Murasame                 129   Circlet
                                    08A   Nail Bat                 12A   Star Pendant
                                    08B   Yoshiyuki                12B   Silver Glasses
                                    08C   Apocalypse               12C   Headband
                                    08D   Heaven's Cloud           12D   Fairy Ring
                                    08E   Ragnarok                 12E   Jewel Ring
                                    08F   Ultima Weapon            12F   White Cape
                                    090   Leather Glove            130   Sprint Shoes
                                    091   Metal Knuckle            131   Peace Ring
                                    092   Mythril Claw             132   Ribbon
                                    093   Grand Glove              133   Fire Ring
                                    094   Tiger Fang               134   Ice Ring
                                    095   Diamond Knuckle          135   Bolt Ring
                                    096   Dragon Claw              136   Tetra Elemental
                                    097   Crystal Grab             137   Safety Bit
                                    098   Motor Drive              138   Fury Ring
                                    099   Platinum Fist            139   Curse Ring
                                    09A   Kaiser Knuckle           13A   Protect Vest
                                    09B   Work Glove               13B   Cat's Bell
                                    09C   Powersoul                13C   Reflect Ring
                                    09D   Master Fist              13D   Water Ring
                                    09E   God's Hand               13E   Sneak Glove
                                    09F   Premium Heart            13F   HypnoCrown
                                    Kane O'Riley has submitted a code to get 99 of every item. I have absolutely
                                    no idea how it works, so you'll just have to try it.
                                    50006902 0001
                                    8009CAAC C600
                                    50008002 0001
                                    8009CB7E C680
                                    50004002 0001
                                    8009CC7E C700
                                    eg. 98 Tetra Elementals in the 320th slot: 8009CBEB C136
                                    5.2. Key Item Select                                         8009Dxxx yyyy
                                    Note: It is best to use the combinations of 194 and 196 or 198 and 19A
                                    only - both with the value of FFFF. Otherwise, odd stuff can happen.
                                    For example, these codes are safe:
                                    8009D194 FFFF
                                    8009D196 FFFF
                                    8009D198 FFFF
                                    8009D19A FFFF
                                    However, odd and damaging stuff MAY happen if you put all 4 together.
                                    This will let you add any Key Item. Unlike the Materia and Item codes,
                                    you wont have to worry about the replacing since this code adds the Key
                                    xxx - 194                      xxx - 196
                                    yyyy   Key Item                yyyy   Key Item
                                    0000   None                    0000   None
                                    0001   Cotton Dress            0001   Pharmacy Coupon
                                    0002   Satin Dress             0002   Disinfectant
                                    0004   Silk Dress              0004   Deodarant
                                    0008   Wig                     0008   Digestive
                                    0010   Dyed Wig                0010   Huge Materia
                                    0020   Blonde Wig              0020   Huge Materia
                                    0040   Glass Tiara             0040   Huge Materia
                                    0080   Ruby Tiara              0080   Huge Materia
                                    0100   Diamond Tiara           0100   Key to Ancients
                                    0200   Cologne                 0200   Letter to a Daughter
                                    0400   Flower Cologne          0400   Letter to Wife
                                    0800   Sexy Cologne            0800   Lunar Harp
                                    1000   Members Card            1000   Basement Key
                                    2000   Lingerie                2000   Key to Sector 5
                                    4000   Mystery Panties         4000   Keycard 60
                                    8000   Bikini Briefs           8000   Keycard 62
                                    FFFF   All of the above        FFFF   All of the above
                                    xxx - 198                      xxx - 19A
                                    yyyy   Key Item                yyyy   Key Item
                                    0000   None                    0000   None
                                    0001   Keycard 65              0001   Black Materia
                                    0002   Keycard 66              0002   Mythril
                                    0004   Keycard 68              0004   Snowboard
                                    0008   Midgar Parts            0007   All of the above
                                    0010   Midgar Parts
                                    0020   Midgar Parts
                                    0040   Midgar Parts
                                    0080   Midgar Parts
                                    0100   PHS
                                    0200   Gold Ticket
                                    0400   Keystone
                                    0800   Leviathan Scales
                                    1000   Glacier Map
                                    2000   A Coupon
                                    4000   B Coupon
                                    8000   C Coupon
                                    FFFF   All of the above
                                    If you're wondering, "Letter to a Daughter" and "Letter to Wife" aren't
                                    normally available in the game.
                                    It is likely that some of your Key Items will be deleted if you use more
                                    than one code. You have been warned.
                                    eg. Letter to a Daughter: 8009D196 0200
                                    Snowboard: 8009D19A 0004
                                    5.3. Materia Modifier                                        3009xxxx FFyy
                                    xxxx equals:
                                    CD2C    Slot 001
                                    CD30    Slot 002
                                    CD34    Slot 003
                                    D040    Slot 198
                                    D044    Slot 199
                                    D048    Slot 200 (last slot)
                                    To get the slots inbetween, keep adding 4. Remember, A9 plus 4 equals AD
                                    and AE plus 2 equals B2. Refer to this hexadecimal system and you should
                                    be fine.
                                    00 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 0A - 0B - 0C - 0D - 0E
                                    0F - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 1A - 1B - 1C - 1D
                                    1E - 1F - 20
                                    yy equals:
                                    00 - MP Plus           1E - Added Effect           3C - Poison
                                    01 - HP Plus           1F - Sneak Attack           3D - Demi
                                    02 - Speed Plus        20 - Final Attack           3E - Barrier
                                    03 - Magic Plus        21 - Added Cut              3F - Mabarrier
                                    04 - Luck Plus         22 - Steal as Well          40 - Comet
                                    05 - XP Plus           23 - Quadra Magic           41 - Time
                                    06 - Gil Plus          24 - Steal                  42 - <blank>
                                    07 - Enemy Away        25 - Sense                  43 - <blank>
                                    08 - Enemy Lure        26 - <blank>                44 - Destruct
                                    09 - Chocobo Lure      27 - Throw                  45 - Contain
                                    0A - Pre-emptive       28 - Morph                  46 - Full Cure
                                    0B - Long Range        29 - Deathblow              47 - Shield
                                    0C - Mega All          2A - Manipulate             48 - Ultima
                                    0D - Counter Slash     2B - Mime                   49 - Master Magic
                                    0E - Slash All         2C - Enemy Skill (full)     4A - Choco/Mog
                                    0F - Double Cut        2D - <glitch>               4B - Shiva
                                    10 - Cover             2E - <glitch>               4C - Ifrit
                                    11 - Underwater        2F - <glitch>               4D - Titan
                                    12 - HP MP             30 - Master Command         4E - Ramuh
                                    13 - W-Magic           31 - Fire                   4F - Odin
                                    14 - W-Summon          32 - Ice                    50 - Leviathan
                                    15 - W-Item            33 - Earth                  51 - Bahamut
                                    16 - <blank>           34 - Lightning              52 - Kjata
                                    17 - All               35 - Restore                53 - Alexander
                                    18 - Counter           36 - Heal                   54 - Phoenix
                                    19 - Magic Counter     37 - Revive                 55 - Neo Bahamut
                                    1A - MP Turbo          38 - Seal                   56 - Hades
                                    1B - MP Absorb         39 - Mystify                57 - Typoon
                                    1C - HP Absorb         3A - Transform              58 - Bahamut ZERO
                                    1D - Elemental         3B - Exit                   59 - KOTR
                                    5A - Master Summon
                                    16, 26, 3F, 42, 43 are not normally available in the game. 2D, 2E and
                                    2F are just glitches. Don't highlight 2E, the game will freeze.
                                    16: In Japan, this has the name "Booster". It is a combination (white)
                                    26: In Japan, this has the name "Law". It is a command materia (yellow)
                                    with the "Coin" ability. When you highlight the Coin option in
                                    battle, this is shown in the info. bar: "What can I say? It's all
                                    about the money". I guess it's a joke put in by the programmers.
                                    3F: This magic materia (green) has the Mabarrier ability. Possibly
                                    made obsolete due to the Barrier materia.
                                    42: Has the name "Reflect" in the Japanese version. It cannot be used
                                    in battle, but if it is the only materia you hold, "Magic" will
                                    show up but you can't select it.
                                    43: This is given the name "Rifabu" (translation: Reflect Wave) in the
                                    Japanese version. It has the same characteristics as above.
                                    00 - 0D, 10 and 12             Independant Materia
                                    0E, 0F and 16 - 23             Combination Materia
                                    13 - 15, 24 - 2C and 30        Command Materia
                                    31 - 49                        Magic Materia
                                    4A - 5A                        Summon Materia
                                    The Materia you get will be mastered. If you want to get your materia
                                    with 0 AP, follow these directions submitted by Darph.
                                    You can get 0 AP by using the same code but with 2 more codes added to
                                    each Materia. 
                                    Example on Enemy Away Materia in 1st slot:
                                    3009CD2C 0007 <-- Original Code
                                    3009CD2D 0000
                                    8009CD2E 0000
                                    This gives Enemy Away Materia with 0 AP.
                                    Other slots follow in suit. Here is the same example but for the 2nd
                                    3009CD30 0007
                                    3009CD31 0000
                                    8009CD32 0000
                                    Adding another number (for example, addding 8009CD33 0000 to the above)
                                    will crash the game.
                                    Kane O'Riley has submitted a code to get 1 of every Materia, mastered.
                                    I'm not sure how this works, so I can't give you any assistance.
                                    50001104 0001
                                    8009CD2C FF00
                                    8009CD70 FE11
                                    50000404 0001
                                    8009CD74 FF12
                                    50000F04 0001
                                    8009CD84 FF17
                                    50000604 0001
                                    8009CDC0 FF27
                                    50000F04 0001
                                    8009CDD8 FF30
                                    eg. Knights of the Round in Slot 200: 3009D048 FF59
                                    Master Summon in Slot 1: 3009CD2C FF5A
                                    8009D12E xxxx
                                    5.4. Gil Modifier                                            8009D12C yyyy
                                    The two variables are put in a line and converted to hex. For example,
                                    if xxxx was 0000 and yyyy was 000B - it would be 000000B - convert this
                                    to decimal, which makes 11.
                                    - If only the second code is specified, it thinks the first code is FFFF.
                                    - It will not work if the second code isn't specified
                                    - 0000
                                    FFFF   65,535 gil
                                    - 0098
                                    967F   9,999,999 gil
                                    - 3B9A
                                    C9FF   999,999,999 gil
                                    - 3B9A
                                    CA00   1,000,000,000 gil
                                    - FFFF
                                    FFFF   4,294,967,295 gil (maximum)
                                    The gil will stay the same until you turn the code off. Once you turn the
                                    code off, your money will still be there but it will go down (normally)
                                    when spent.
                                    eg. 4,294,967,295 gil: 8009D12C FFFF
                                    8009D12E FFFF
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                   --6.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                                   --Codes: Party--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    8009CAA8 xxyy
                                    6.1. Character Modifier                                      8009CAAA 00zz
                                    "xx" is to modify the character in the first position, "yy" is the second
                                    position and "zz" is the third position.
                                    xx, yy or zz equals:
                                    00   Cloud            07   Vincent
                                    01   Barret           08   Cid
                                    02   Tifa             09   Young Cloud     <must not have Cait Sith>
                                    03   Aeris            0A   Sephiroth       <must not have Vincent>
                                    04   Red XIII         0B   Chocobo         <unplayable>
                                    05   Yuffie           0C   Now Printing    <unplayable>
                                    06   Cait Sith        0D   Now Printing    <unplayable>
                                    "Young Cloud" and "Sephiroth" are the characters used in the Nibelheim
                                    flashback. "Chocobo" and "Now Printing" are unusable as they are just
                                    artworkand hold no character information.
                                    "Young Cloud" can only be used if Cait Sith isn't in your party. He
                                    reaches Level 99 with only 1,000,012 EXP, the shortest amount for any
                                    "Sephiroth" can only be used if Vincent isn't in your party. He is
                                    uncontrollable. Sephiroth reaches Level 99 with 2,820,348 EXP.
                                    "Aeris" cannot be moved out of your party unless you use the "Bypass
                                    Checksum" code.
                                    The character that you replaced will not be gone. They will be put into
                                    the PHS menu.
                                    eg. Aeris in 2nd position: 8009CAA8 0003
                                    6.2. Move Aeris (bypass checksum)                            8009D654 0001
                                    What this is used for (among other things that it does) is moving Aeris
                                    out of your party. If you have revived her, you would of noticed that she
                                    cannot be moved. After moving her out of the party with this code, save
                                    the game. After reloading the saved game you will find Aeris can now be
                                    moved freely without the code turned on.
                                    If the code is on when you load a save, it will come up with "File is
                                    ruined". This is best fixed by turning the code on after you have loaded
                                    your save.
                                    Notes: You can also use a Joker code to get past the "File is Ruined"
                                    error. See: "Colour Box Joker Code".
                                    6.3. Control Sephiroth                                       800F84C8 0008
                                    This allows you to control Sephiroth. He must be in the 3rd position. You
                                    must keep the code on in battle or it will stop working. However, this
                                    code will also make Sephiroth mortal - this may be a good thing though.
                                    Take a look at the Character Modifier code to get Sephiroth into your
                                    6.4. Unlock Limit Breaks                                    8009Cxxx 0FFF
                                    This will enable all Limit Breaks for a certain character.
                                    Character       xxx          Character       xxx
                                    Cloud           626          Yuffie          8BA
                                    Barret          6AA          Cait Sith       93E
                                    Tifa            72E          Vincent         9C2
                                    Aeris           7B2          Cid             A46
                                    Red XIII        836
                                    eg. Cloud's Limit Breaks: 8009C626 0FFF
                                    6.5. Level Modifier                                          3009Cxxx 00yy
                                    This code will change the specified character's level. You wont get the
                                    stat raises like when you normally level up, so it may be easier to use
                                    the "EXP after Battle Modifier".
                                    Character      xxx              Level          yy
                                    Cloud          605              01             01
                                    Barret         689              10             0A
                                    Tifa           70D              20             14
                                    Aeris          791              30             1E
                                    Red XIII       815              40             28
                                    Yuffie         899              50             32
                                    Cait Sith      91D              60             3C
                                    Vincent        9A1              70             46
                                    Cid            A25              80             50
                                    90             5A
                                    99             63
                                    eg. Cloud at Level 99: 3009C605 0063
                                    Cait Sith at Level 83: 3009C91D 0053
                                    6.6. Vincent's Strength (kill modifier)                     8009C9C4 xxxx
                                    This will modify the amount of kills Vincent has made. This will determine
                                    the strength of Vincent's Death Penalty.
                                    xxxx      Amount
                                    0         00,000 kills
                                    FFFF      65,535 kills
                                    eg. Vincent has 65,535 kills (9999 attack): 8009C9C4 FFFF
                                    6.7. Stat Modifier                                           3009Cxxx 00yy
                                    The code will modify the stats for characters. It seems you cannot modify
                                    yy to go below your original stat, though sometimes you can. It differs
                                    for different stats and characters. Anyway, why would you want to go
                                    below your original stat?
                                    xxx equals:
                                    Cloud                      Red XIII                  Cid
                                    606     Strength           816     Strength          A26     Strength
                                    607     Vitality           817     Vitality          A27     Vitality
                                    608     Magic              818     Magic             A28     Magic
                                    609     Spirit             819     Spirit            A29     Spirit
                                    60A     Dexterity          81A     Dexterity         A2A     Dexterity
                                    60B     Luck               81B     Luck              A2B     Luck
                                    Barret                     Yuffie
                                    68A     Strength           89A     Strength
                                    68B     Vitality           89B     Vitality
                                    68C     Magic              89C     Magic
                                    68D     Spirit             89D     Spirit
                                    68E     Dexterity          89E     Dexterity
                                    68F     Luck               89F     Luck
                                    Tifa                       Cait Sith
                                    70E     Strength           91E     Strength
                                    70F     Vitality           91F     Vitality
                                    710     Magic              920     Magic
                                    711     Spirit             921     Spirit
                                    712     Dexterity          922     Dexterity
                                    713     Luck               923     Luck
                                    Aeris                      Vincent
                                    792     Strength           9A2     Strength
                                    793     Vitality           9A3     Vitality
                                    794     Magic              9A4     Magic
                                    795     Spirit             9A5     Spirit
                                    796     Dexterity          9A6     Dexterity
                                    797     Luck               9A7     Luck
                                    yy equals:
                                    Stat                          Hexadecimal (Number to input)
                                    0                           00
                                    255 (maximum)                 FF
                                    eg. Cloud with 255 Strength: 3009C606 00FF
                                    Tifa with 255 Spirit: 3009C711 00FF
                                    6.8. Elemental Defense and Attack                            8009Dxxy zzzz
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley
                                    This code changes the element(s) you defend or attack with.
                                    xx     Character
                                    75     1st Slot
                                    B9     2nd Slot
                                    FD     3rd Slot
                                    y      Type
                                    4      Elemental Attack
                                    6      Halve Damage
                                    8      Nullify Damage
                                    A      Absorb Damage
                                    zzzz   Element
                                    0000   None
                                    0001   Fire
                                    0002   Ice
                                    0004   Lightning
                                    0008   Earth
                                    0010   Poison
                                    0020   Gravity
                                    0040   Water
                                    0080   Wind
                                    0100   Holy
                                    01FF   <All of the Above>
                                    8000   Non-Elemental
                                    81FF   <All of the Above>
                                    If you add the values for zzzz together, all of the ones you added will
                                    be included - but you must add them in Hex, so get out the Windows calc.
                                    and set it to Hex.
                                    6.9. Name Modifier                                           3009Cxxx 00yy
                                    This will modify a certain character's name.
                                    The rest of the letters stay the same as default. To remove the default
                                    letters, set yy for the slots as FF.
                                    Cloud      xxx        Barret     xxx        Tifa       xxx
                                    Slot 1   C 614        Slot 1   B 698        Slot 1   T 71C
                                    Slot 2   L 615        Slot 2   A 699        Slot 2   I 71D
                                    Slot 3   O 616        Slot 3   R 69A        Slot 3   F 71E
                                    Slot 4   U 617        Slot 4   R 69B        Slot 4   A 71F
                                    Slot 5   D 618        Slot 5   E 69C        Slot 5     720
                                    Slot 6     619        Slot 6   T 69D        Slot 6     721
                                    Slot 7     61A        Slot 7     68E        Slot 7     722
                                    Slot 8     61B        Slot 8     69F        Slot 8     723
                                    Slot 9     61C        Slot 9     6A0        Slot 9     724
                                    Slot 10    61D        Slot 10    6A1        Slot 10    725
                                    Slot 11    61E        Slot 11    6A2        Slot 11    726
                                    Slot 12    61F        Slot 12    6A3        Slot 12    727
                                    Aeris      xxx        Red XIII   xxx        Yuffie     xxx
                                    Slot 1   A 7A0        Slot 1   R 840        Slot 1   Y 8A8
                                    Slot 2   E 7A1        Slot 2   E 841        Slot 1   U 8A9
                                    Slot 3   R 7A2        Slot 3   D 842        Slot 1   F 8AA
                                    Slot 4   I 7A3        Slot 4     843        Slot 1   F 8AB
                                    Slot 5   S 7A4        Slot 5   X 844        Slot 1   I 8AC
                                    Slot 6     7A5        Slot 6   I 845        Slot 1   E 8AD
                                    Slot 7     7A6        Slot 7   I 846        Slot 1     8AE
                                    Slot 8     7A7        Slot 8   I 847        Slot 1     8AF
                                    Slot 9     7A8        Slot 9     848        Slot 1     8B0
                                    Slot 10    7A9        Slot 10    849        Slot 1     8B1
                                    Slot 11    7AA        Slot 11    84A        Slot 1     8B2
                                    Slot 12    7AA        Slot 12    84B        Slot 1     8B3
                                    Cait Sith  xxx        Vincent    xxx       Cid         xxx
                                    Slot 1   C 92C        Slot 1   V 9B0       Slot 1    C A34
                                    Slot 2   A 92D        Slot 2   I 9B1       Slot 2    I A35
                                    Slot 3   I 92E        Slot 3   N 9B2       Slot 3    D A36
                                    Slot 4   T 92F        Slot 4   C 9B3       Slot 4      A37
                                    Slot 5     930        Slot 5   E 9B4       Slot 5      A38
                                    Slot 6   S 931        Slot 6   N 9B5       Slot 6      A39
                                    Slot 7   I 932        Slot 7   T 9B6       Slot 7      A3A
                                    Slot 8   T 933        Slot 8     9B7       Slot 8      A3B
                                    Slot 9   H 934        Slot 9     9B8       Slot 9      A3C
                                    Slot 10    935        Slot 10    9B9       Slot 10     A3D
                                    Slot 11    936        Slot 11    9BA       Slot 11     A3E
                                    Slot 12    937        Slot 12    9BB       Slot 12     A3F
                                    Now, here's the huge list to use for yy. It's the letter for a certain
                                    slot. So changing 614 to to 01 would make CLOUD's name !LOUD.
                                    The list is compiled completely by myself and if you wish to use it you
                                    must give me credit.
                                    00=      14=4     28=H     3C=      50=p
                                    01=!     15=5     29=I     3D=]     51=q
                                    02="     16=6     2A=J     3E=^     52=r
                                    03=#     17=7     2B=K     3F=_     53=s
                                    04=$     18=8     2C=L     40=`     54=t
                                    05=%     19=9     2D=M     41=a     55=u
                                    06=&     1A=:     2E=N     42=b     56=v
                                    07='     1B=;     2F=O     43=c     57=w
                                    08=(     1C=<     30=P     44=d     58=x
                                    09=)     1D=-     31=Q     45=e     59=y
                                    0A=*     1E=>     32=R     46=f     5A=z
                                    0B=+     1F=?     33=S     47=g     5B={
                                    0C=,     20=@     34=T     48=h     5C=|
                                    0D=0     21=A     35=U     49=i     5D=}
                                    0E=.     22=B     36=V     4A=j     5E=~
                                    0F=/     23=C     37=W     4B=k     5F= 
                                    10=0     24=D     38=X     4C=l
                                    11=1     25=E     39=Y     4D=m
                                    12=2     26=F     3A=Z     4E=n
                                    13=3     27=G     3B=[     4F=o
                                    There are many, many more characters after this, however they will be
                                    unviewable to alot of people due to the fact I have to display them in
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                   --7.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                                  --Codes: Battle--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    8009Dwww 00xx
                                    7.1. Items after Battle Modifier                             8009Dyyy 00zz
                                    This will modify the items you get after battle.
                                    Slot 1
                                    www: 6D4        xx: Item Digit
                                    yyy: 6D6        zz: Amount of Item
                                    Slot 2
                                    www: 6DA        xx: Item Digit
                                    yyy: 6DC        zz: Amount of Item 
                                    Slot 3
                                    www: 6E0        xx: Item Digit
                                    yyy: 6E2        zz: Amount of Item
                                    Slot 4
                                    www: 6E6        xx: Item Digit
                                    yyy: 6E8        zz: Amount of Item
                                    For the item digits, go to section 2.4 (Item Modifier)
                                    eg. 1 Ultima Weapon after Battle: 8009D6D4 008F
                                    8009D6D6 0001
                                    99 Ultima Weapon after Battle: 8009D6D4 008F
                                    8009D6D6 0063
                                    7.2. EXP after Battle Modifier                               8009D6A4 xxxx
                                    This code will determine the EXP you receive after any battle. xxxx can
                                    equal any hexadecimal number from 0000 to FFFF.
                                    Decimal (EXP received)	Hexadecimal (xxxx) (Number to input)
                                    1                  0001
                                    50,000                  C350
                                    65,535                  FFFF
                                    If you use 0000, it will appear to give you 0 EXP but will instead give
                                    you the normal amount for that battle.
                                    If you want more than that amount, you can use 8009D6A6 xxxx. I haven't
                                    worked out the math of this, however the following info should get you
                                    what you want.
                                    Using this code:  8009D6A4 xxxx
                                    8009D6A6 yyyy
                                    xxxx   7FFF    []47,450,879
                                    yyyy   7FFF
                                    xxxx   FFFF    []47,493,647
                                    yyyy   7FFF
                                    xxxx   C350     076,850,000
                                    yyyy   C350
                                    xxxx   E0FF      99,999,999
                                    yyyy   05F5
                                    eg. 65,635 EXP after battle: 8009D6A4 FFFF
                                    99,999,999 EXP after battle: 8009D6A4 E0FF
                                    8009D6A6 05F5
                                    7.3. AP after Battle Modifier                                8009D6A8 xxxx
                                    This code will determine the AP you receive after any battle. xxxx can
                                    equal any hexadecimal number from 0000 to 7FFF.
                                    Decimal (EXP received)	Hexadecimal (xxxx) (Number to input)
                                    1                 0001
                                    32,767                 7FFF
                                    If you use 0000, it will appear to give you 0 AP but will instead give
                                    you the normal amount for that battle.
                                    Remember, it cannot go past 7FFF!
                                    If you want more than that amount, you can use 8009D6AA xxxx. I haven't
                                    worked out the math of this, however the following info should get you
                                    what you want.
                                    Using this code:  8009D6A8 xxxx
                                    8009D6AA yyyy
                                    xxxx   7FFF    []47,450,879  - Seemed to give only 32,767
                                    yyyy   7FFF
                                    xxxx   7FFF     /94,934,527  - Seemed to give only 32,767
                                    yyyy   FFFF
                                    xxxx   E0FF      99,999,999  - Seemed to give only 32,767
                                    yyyy   05F5
                                    xxxx   FFFF    []47,483,647  - Did not work! (because I used FFFF in the
                                    yyyy   7FFF                    first value)
                                    This shows that it probably isn't possible to get more than 32,767 AP.
                                    eg. 32,767 AP after battle: 8009D6A8 7FFF
                                    7.4. Character always has Lucky 7s                           800F84xx 1E61
                                    The code will make it so a character in a certain position will always
                                    have Lucky 7s. If you don't know what Lucky 7s is, it's when a character
                                    continually hits 7777 without stopping.
                                    Position       xx
                                    Position 1     20
                                    Position 2     88
                                    Position 3     F0
                                    To make it so every character has Lucky 7s, I put together this code:
                                    800F8420 1E61 (1st character)
                                    800F8488 1E61 (2nd character)
                                    800F84F0 1E61 (3rd character)
                                    7.5. In-Battle Action Modifier                               800F38B2 xxxx
                                    This modifes what happens for each action in a battle. For example, if
                                    xxxx equals 0000:
                                    Magic: Cure
                                    Summon: Choco-Mog
                                    Limit for Cloud: Braver
                                    Don't use limits that are not on the same limit level as you are set to.
                                    For example, don't use Braver if your limit level is set to 3. You'll get
                                    a data error.
                                    If you go past a certain amount, you may get a weird glitch or a data
                                    error. A data error forces you to end the battle by pressing L1+R1+
                                    Select. If you throw a non-throwable item the character will go on a
                                    throwing loop.
                                    Thanks to Kao Megura for this list. There are still more valid spells
                                    to find (mostly in Magic), I'd be happy for anyone (eg. you) to submit
                                    them. I removed the glitches. For example, some of the Summons will cast
                                    Cure. They're pointless to add. All valid spells that don't actually
                                    belong in a certain column but appear in multiple columns (eg. Game Over)
                                    are put in the Spell column.
                                    Item            Magic           Summon              Enemy Skill
                                    00   Potion          Cure            DeathBlow!!         Frog Song
                                    01   Hi Potion       Cure2           Diamond Dust        L4 Suicide
                                    02   X-Potion        Cure3           Hellfire            Magic Hammer
                                    03   Ether           Regen           Judgement Bolt      White Wind
                                    04   Turbo Ether     Poisona         Anger of the Land   Big Guard
                                    05   Elixir          Esuna           Steel-Bladed Sword  Angel Whisper
                                    06   Megalixir       Resist          Tidal Wave          Dragon Force
                                    07   Phoenix Down    Life            Mega Flare          Death Force
                                    08   Antidote        Life2           Tetra-Disaster      Flame Thrower
                                    09   Soft            Mini            Judgement           Laser
                                    0A   Maiden's Kiss   Toad            Phoenix Flame       Matra Magic
                                    0B   Cornucopia      Sleepel         Giga Flare          Bad Breath
                                    0C   Echo Screen     Confu           Black Cauldron      Beta
                                    0D   Hyper           Silence         Disintergration     Aqualung
                                    0E   Tranquilizer    Berserk         Tera Flare          Trine
                                    0F   Remedy          Barrier         Ultimate End        Magic Breath
                                    10   Smoke Bomb      MBarrier                            ????
                                    11   Speed Drink     Reflect                             Goblin Punch
                                    12   Hero Drink      Wall                                Chocobuckle
                                    13   Vaccine         Haste                               L5 Death
                                    14   Grenade         Slow                                Death Sentence
                                    15   Shrapnel        Stop                                Roulette
                                    16   Right arm       DeBarrier                           Shadow Flare
                                    17   Hourglass       DeSpell                             Pandora's Box
                                    18   Kiss of Death   Death                               Fat-Chocobo
                                    19   Spider Web      Escape                              Gunge Lance
                                    1A   Dream Powder    Remove
                                    1B   Mute Mask       Fire
                                    1C   War Gong        Fire2
                                    1D   Loco weed       Fire3
                                    1E   Fire Fang       Ice
                                    1F   Fire Veil       Ice2
                                    20   Antarctic Wind  Ice3                                Death Joker
                                    21   Ice Crystal     Bolt
                                    22   Bolt Plume      Bolt2
                                    23   Swift Bolt      Bolt3
                                    24   Earth Drum      Quake
                                    25   Earth Mallet    Quake2
                                    26   Deadly Waste    Quake3
                                    27   M-Tentacles     Bio
                                    28   Stardust        Bio2
                                    29   Vampire Fang    Bio3
                                    2A   Ghost Hand      Demi
                                    2B   Vagyrisk Claw   Demi2
                                    2C   Light Curtain   Demi3
                                    2D   Lunar Curtain   Comet
                                    2E   Mirror          Comet2
                                    2F   Holy Torch      Freeze
                                    30   Bird Wing       Break
                                    31   Dragon Scales   Tornado
                                    32   Impaler         Flare
                                    33   Shrivel         Full Cure
                                    34   Eye drop        Ultima
                                    35   Molotov         Shield
                                    36   S-mine          Grim Reaper
                                    37   8inch Cannon
                                    38   Graviball
                                    39   T/S Bomb
                                    3A   Ink
                                    3B   Dazers
                                    3C   Dragon Fang
                                    3D   Cauldron
                                    3E   Sylkis Greens
                                    3F   Reagan Greens
                                    40   Mimett Greens
                                    41   Curiel Greens
                                    42   Pahsana Greens
                                    43   Tantal Greens
                                    44   Krakka Greens
                                    45   Gysahl Greens
                                    46   Tent
                                    69                   Game Over
                                    6A                   Death Joker
                                    6B                   Toy Soldier
                                    6C                   Lucky Girl
                                    6D                   Mog Dance
                                    6E                   Transform
                                    6F                   Toy Box
                                    Special notes for Item:
                                    After 46, all items will do zero damage when used.  The effect that
                                    goes with each item changes (Fire2, Vaccine, etc.)
                                    Special notes for Magic:
                                    Numbers 38 to 47 are Summons, and numbers 48 to 68 are Enemy Skills.
                                    Numbers 6A and 6B will not show the correct animation.
                                    Numbers 6C to 6F will show the name, then freeze.
                                    Special notes for Summon:
                                    Numbers 10 to 21 are Magic. The rest are known to freeze.
                                    Special notes for Enemy Skills:
                                    Number 18, Fat-Chocobo doesn't summon anything, but does damage similar
                                    to original spell. Number 19, Gunge Lance doesn't summon anything,
                                    but also does damage similar to original spell.
                                    Numbers 1A to 1E cast Roulette and 1F casts Matra Magic.
                                    7.6. Random Battles                                          80062E10 xxxx
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley.
                                    This will modify the encounter rate for random battles.
                                    xxxx          Encounter Rate
                                    0000          Never
                                    C350          "Normal"
                                    FFFF          Maximum
                                    There is no real "normal" encounter rate, as the value differs for every
                                    eg. No Random Battles: 80062E10 0000
                                    7.7. Enemy Modifier                                          80116238 xxxx
                                    This section currently needs working on.
                                    This will modify the enemy that appears in a battle. xxx is the enemy that
                                    appears. Here is an incomplete list.
                                    The "No." column is respective to the "Enemy" column. Some of these will
                                    freeze on certain discs - however, it is certain that every one will work
                                    on either Disc 1 or Disc 3.
                                    xxx      Enemy                  No.      Notes
                                    0000     Pyramid                1        Black Hole
                                    0001     Pyramid                4        Woodlands
                                    0002     Pyramid                1        Black Hole
                                    0003     Pyramid                3        Train Graveyard
                                    0004     Pyramid                3        Woodlands
                                    0005     Pyramid                3        Woodlands
                                    0006     Pyramid                3        Mountains
                                    0007     Pyramid                2        Great Glacier
                                    0008     Pyramid                4        Sewers
                                    0009     Pyramid, Pyramid       6, 5     Corral Valley Cave (2 rounds)
                                    000A     Pyramid                5        Black Hole
                                    000B     Pyramid, Pyramid       1, 5     Black Hole (2 rounds)
                                    000C     Pyramid                2        Black Hole
                                    000D     Pyramid                4        Black Hole
                                    000E     Pyramid                4        Black Hole
                                    000F     Pyramid                3        Black Hole
                                    0010     <glitch>
                                    0011     <glitch>
                                    0012     <glitch>
                                    0013     <glitch>
                                    0014     Mighty Grunt           2        Mountains
                                    0015     Mighty Grunt           2        Coal Train
                                    0016     Pyramid                1        Black Hole
                                    0017     Pyramid                7        7 rounds, 1 in each. Black H.
                                    0018     Pyramid                14       7 rounds, 2 in each. Black H.
                                    0019     Pyramid                7        7 rounds, 1 in each. Black H.
                                    001A     Pyramid                42       7 rounds, 6 in each. C.V. Cave
                                    001B     Adamantaimi            6        Reactor
                                    001C     Grunt                  1        Shinra Building
                                    001D     Grunt                  1        Shinra Building
                                    001E     Grunt                  1        Shinra Building
                                    001F     Grunt                  1        Shinra Building
                                    0020     Devil Ride             1        Grasslands
                                    0021     Custom Sweeper         2        Grasslands
                                    0022     Kalm Fang, Devil Ride  2, 1     Grasslands
                                    0023     Devil Ride             2        Midgar
                                    0024     Prowler, Kalm Fang     2, 1     Grasslands
                                    0025     Custom Sweeper         2        Grasslands
                                    0026     Kalm Fang              3        Grasslands
                                    0027     Kalm Fang, Prowler     2, 1     Grasslands
                                    0028     Devil Ride             2        Grasslands
                                    0029     Kalm Fang              3        Grasslands
                                    002A     Prowler, Kalm Fang     2, 1     Grasslands
                                    002B     Kalm Fang, Prowler     2, 1     Grasslands
                                    002C     Kalm Fang              3        Beach
                                    002D     Kalm Fang              2        Beach
                                    002E     Kalm Fang, Prowler     2, 1     Beach
                                    002F     Prowler, Kalm Fang     2, 1     Grasslands
                                    0048     Zemzelett              1        Mountains
                                    0098     Valron, Chocobo        2, 1     Grasslands
                                    010C     Yuffie                 1        Level 17, Woodlands
                                    010D     Yuffie                 1        Level 17, Ancient Forest
                                    010E     Yuffie                 1        Level 22, Woodlands
                                    010F     Yuffie                 1        Level 22, Ancient Forest
                                    0110     Yuffie                 1        Level 27, Woodlands
                                    0111     Yuffie                 1        Level 27, Ancient Forest
                                    0112     Yuffie                 1        Level 32, Woodlands
                                    0113     Yuffie                 1        Level 32, Ancient Forest
                                    0114     Yuffie                 1        Level 37, Woodlands
                                    0115     Yuffie                 1        Level 37, Ancient Forest
                                    0116     Yuffie                 1        Level 42, Woodlands
                                    0117     Yuffie                 1        Level 42, Ancient Forest
                                    038C     Jenova Synthesis       1        Inside the Planet
                                    038D     Jenova Synthesis       1        Inside the Planet
                                    038E     Jenova Synthesis       1        Inside the Planet
                                    038F     Jenova Synthesis       1        Inside the Planet
                                    0390     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        
                                    0391     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Torso
                                    0392     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Torso
                                    0393     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Torso
                                    0394     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Left Side
                                    0395     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Left Side
                                    0396     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Left Side
                                    0397     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Left Side
                                    0398     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Right Side
                                    0399     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Right Side
                                    039A     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Right Side
                                    039B     Bizzaro Sephiroth      1        Right Side
                                    039C     Safer Sephiroth        1
                                    039D     Final Sephiroth        1
                                    03D4     Diamond Weapon         1        Hills
                                    03D5     Diamond Weapon         1        Hills
                                    03D6     Ruby Weapon            1        Desert
                                    03D7     Ruby Weapon            1        Desert
                                    03D8     Emerald Weapon         1        Underwater
                                    03D9     Emerald Weapon         1        Underwater
                                    03DA     Emerald Weapon         1        Underwater
                                    03DB     Emerald Weapon         1        Underwater
                                    03DC     Ultimate Weapon        1        Black Hole
                                    03E4     Pyramid                6        Woodlands
                                    03E7     Pyramid                5        Black Hole
                                    There are no more values after 03E7.
                                    7.8. Escape Count Modifier (Chocobuckle strength)            8009D16E xxxx
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley.
                                    This modifies the amount of escapes and therefore modifying the strength
                                    of Chocobuckle. xxxx is the amount of escapes.
                                    xxxx          Escapes
                                    0000          0
                                    0539          1337
                                    08AE          2222
                                    1388          5000
                                    15B3          5555
                                    270F          9999 (maximum)
                                    7.9. In-Battle Status                                        800F8xxx yyyy
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley.
                                    This will modify the status In-Battle for a character in a certain slot.
                                    xxx     Character and Element List
                                    3F4     Slot 1, List 1
                                    3F6     Slot 1, List 2
                                    45C     Slot 2, List 1
                                    45E     Slot 2, List 2
                                    4C4     Slot 3, List 1
                                    4C6     Slot 3, List 2
                                    List 1                                    List 2
                                    yyyy     Element                          yyyy     Element
                                    0001     Death                            0001     Barrier
                                    0002     Near-Death                       0002     MBarrier
                                    0004     Sleep                            0004     Reflect
                                    0008     Poison                           0008     Double
                                    0010     Sadness                          0010     Shield
                                    0020     Fury                             0020     Death-Sentence
                                    0040     Confusion                        0040     Manipulate
                                    0080     Silence                          0080     Berserk
                                    0100     Haste                            0100     Peerless
                                    0200     Slow                             0200     Paralysed
                                    0400     Stop                             0400     Darkness
                                    0800     Frog
                                    1000     Small                            001F     Best Combination*
                                    2000     Slow-Numb
                                    4000     Petrify
                                    8000     Regen
                                    8100     Best Combination*
                                    *The Best Combination is a combination of all the positive statii.
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                   --8.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                     --Codes: Chocobos/Mini-Games--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    8.1. Gold Saucer GP Modifier                                 8009D29E xxxx
                                    This code will modify the GP you have at the Gold Saucer. It will stay at
                                    the number you input until the code is off.
                                    xxxx    Amount
                                    0BB8    3,000
                                    1388    5,000
                                    270F    9,999 GP (maximum)
                                    eg. 9,999 GP: 8009D29E 270F
                                    8.2. Battle Arena BP Modifier                                8009D2A4 xxxx
                                    The code will modify the BP you have in the Battle Arena. You do not have
                                    to be in the Battle Arena straight away as it stays the same no matter
                                    xxxx    Amount
                                    0001    00,001 BP
                                    C350    50,000 BP
                                    FFFF    65,535 BP (maximum)
                                    eg. 65,535 BP: 8009D2A4 FFFF
                                    8.3. Speed Coaster Score Modifier                            8009D2B6 xxxx
                                    This modifies the score you get on the Speed Coaster at the Gold Saucer.
                                    It won't show you while the game is going, but will show up on the final
                                    The score cannot go past 7FFF (32,767) or it won't count.
                                    xxxx    Score
                                    0BB8    03,000
                                    1388    05,000
                                    2710    10,000
                                    4E20    20,000
                                    7530    30,000
                                    7FFF    32,767 (maximum)
                                    eg. Speed Coaster score of 32,767: 8009D2B6 7FFF
                                    8.4. Chocobo Stamina Modifier                                8009D4xx yyyy
                                    This will modify a certain Chocobo's stamina. There is a 9999 maximum.
                                    xx equals the Stable to modify.
                                    xx      Stable
                                    98      1
                                    9A      2
                                    9C      3
                                    9E      4
                                    A0      5
                                    A2      6
                                    yyyy equals the Chocobo's stamina. It will be converted to hex and the
                                    first 3 numbers will be used.
                                    yyyy    Stamina
                                    000A    0,001
                                    FFFF    6,553
                                    270F    9,999 (maximum)
                                    I have found that if you input a number lower than your Chocobo's
                                    original stamina, the Chocobo's stamina will be unlimited!
                                    If you're wondering, giving the Chocobo 0 stamina will freeze the game.
                                    eg. Chocobo in Stable 1 with 9999 stamina: 8009D498 270F
                                    Chocobo in Stable 3 with 9999 stamina: 8009D49C 270F
                                    Chocobo in Stable 5 with unlimited stamina: 8009D4A0 000A (because
                                    1 will always be below the Chocobo's original stamina)
                                    8.5. Chocobo Modifier                                        3009Dxxx 0yzz
                                    This code modifies the colour of the Chocobo, but also the sex. The sex
                                    modifier cannot be avoided, unfortunately.
                                    Stable    xxx               Colour    y             Sex       zz
                                    1         382               Yellow    0             Male      00
                                    2         392               Green     1             Female    01
                                    3         3A2               Blue      2
                                    4         3B2               Black     3
                                    5         <value needed>    Gold      4
                                    6         <value needed>    White*    5
                                    Note on 5: Yes, this is a White Chocobo. However, when you go to ride it,
                                    it will not be on the World Map. Go back to your ranch and it says the
                                    Chocobo is still on the World Map. This is probably something that was
                                    removed from the game - maybe a flying Chocobo?
                                    eg. Female Gold Chocobo in Stable 1: 3009D382 0401
                                    Male Gold Chocobo in Stable 1: 3009D382 0400
                                    Female White Chocobo in Stable 1: 3009D382 0501
                                    Male White Chocobo in Stable 1: 3009D382 0500
                                    Female Gold Chocobo in Stable 2: 3009D392 0401
                                    8.6. G-Bike Mini-Game Score Modifier                         800BDFC8 xxxx
                                    This changes the score you get on the G-Bike game at the Wonder Square.
                                    xxxx    Score
                                    0000    0
                                    2710    10,000
                                    7FFF    32,767
                                    8535    33,333
                                    F7FF    64,487
                                    FFFF    65,535 (maximum)
                                    Kane O'Riley explains that it doesn't like high scores much - F7FF should
                                    be OK. I tested this a long time ago and I am not really sure about what
                                    If the others fail to work, try 7FFF - it may be the maximum.
                                    8.7. Fort Condor Speed Modifier                              3012C5D4 00xx
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley.
                                    This will modify the speed faster than you normally can for the Fort
                                    Condor mini-games.
                                    xx      Speed
                                    01      Original Speed 1
                                    02      Original Speed 2
                                    03      Original Speed 3
                                    04      Original Speed 4
                                    30      Really fast
                                    AA      Really, really fast
                                    FF      Really, really, really fast (maximum)
                                    Yeah, I couldn't think of any better descriptions :)
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                   --9.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                           --Codes: Miscellaneous--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    9.1. Debug Room                                              80099F2C 0041
                                    The Debug Room was a special area used by the devlopers to test things,
                                    and basically have fun. It wasn't removed from the game, so it can now be
                                    accessed by Gameshark.
                                    To access it, load a game or choose a new game. When you're in there, you
                                    should be in a portal-like room. To access the other rooms, you will want
                                    to turn your code off. If you don't want to do that, use the Joker Code
                                    at the end of this code.
                                    It'd be a bit pointless to go into more detail - check out ADean's debug
                                    room FAQ specifically for the PAL version:
                                    Joker Code: D01D252C 0000
                                    80099F2C 0041 (see "Colour Box Joker" at 3.2. to find out how
                                    to turn on and off)
                                    9.2. Make everyone disappear                                 8009AAE8 0001
                                    This can make all people (including animals) disappear off of the screen.
                                    Changing the last number to C will make everyone appear, while changing it
                                    to other numbers controls the amount of sprites on the screen.
                                    I have tried to use this on the dog guarding the Shinra submarine but it
                                    will still not let you past.
                                    This is best used with a Joker Code.
                                    eg. Press L2 to make everyone disappear, R2 to make everyone appear: 
                                    D009AB28 0001 (joker code for L2)
                                    8009AAE8 0001
                                    D009AB28 0002 (joker code for R2)
                                    8009AAE8 0000
                                    You may need to switch rooms to activate/deactive.
                                    9.3. Move around when someone is talking to you              3009AAF2 0000
                                    As the name says, this will allow you to walk around when you are in a
                                    conversation with someone. You could possibly skip a whole conversation
                                    using this, but I haven't tested it much.
                                    Cloud will not be able to move when you have to select an option in a
                                    conversation. To fix this, simply press circle and keep walking around.
                                    It may freeze when Cloud is required to do something to continue the
                                    conversation (eg. shrug)
                                    9.4. Secret Menu Option: USO (character select)              30099FA1 000B
                                    This will unlock the blank 11th option on the menu. Move your cursor down
                                    to Save, then press down once. You will be on a blank option - press
                                    Circle and you will come across a menu named "Uso".
                                    This will let you replace any character (including Cloud) with any other
                                    character - even if you haven't met the character yet. You will find that
                                    you can change the characters to "9", "10" and "255". "9" is Young Cloud
                                    (but only if you haven't got Cait Sith), "10" is Sephiroth (but only if
                                    you haven't got Vincent) and "255" makes it blank.
                                    Yes, you are able to "revive" Aeris. You will still have to use the
                                    Bypass Checksum code to move her out of the party.
                                    800A99A8 0158
                                    800A99AC 0013
                                    9.5. Walk through Walls (field only)                         800A99AE 1000
                                    This code will allow you to walk through walls. It will not work on the
                                    world map. Whenever you see stairs, you must go up them. If you exit the
                                    stairs half way, you'll be walking on non-existant land.
                                    It's best to turn the code on only when you want to use it. It has a side
                                    effect: while it is on, you will not be able to enter the Highwind. Don't
                                    worry, just turn the code off.
                                    Things to do:
                                    - Enter the Honeybee Inn. Nothing will glitch here. The 2 left rooms will
                                    be empty, and in the north room all 3 girls will just say: "..oh my..".
                                    If you enter the doors on the right, you will be looking through a key
                                    - Enter the Submarine in Junon that the dog is blocking. When you enter
                                    it, you'll have to take the guards hostage. You'll then be in the sub
                                    on the world map.
                                    3009AAC1 0001
                                    9.6. Teleport to another World Map Location                  3009AAC2 00xx
                                    Open a save on the world map, then enter a town. You will be warped to a
                                    certain location on the world map. These were all tested by entering
                                    Kalm village.
                                    Some of them will play a few seconds of music before you teleport. This
                                    is different for every area, and I have no idea why it occurs.
                                    All locations are tested on Disc 3 unless otherwise stated.
                                    01: Midgar
                                    02: Kalm
                                    03: Chocobo Stables
                                    04: Entrance of Mythril Mine
                                    05: Exit of Mythril Mine
                                    06: Fort Condor
                                    07: Junon
                                    08: Temple of the Ancients
                                    09: Old Man's House
                                    0A: Weapon Seller
                                    0B: Mideel
                                    0C: Materia Cave #1
                                    0D: Costa del Sol
                                    0E: Mt. Corel
                                    0F: North Corel
                                    10: Disc 1: Gold Saucer
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    11: Gongaga
                                    12: Cosmo Canyon
                                    13: Nibelheim (south exit)
                                    14: Rocket Town
                                    15: Lucrecia's Cave
                                    16: Materia Cave #2
                                    17: Wutai
                                    18: Materia Cave #3
                                    19: Bone Village
                                    1A: Coral Valley Cave (exit)
                                    1B: Icicle Inn (south exit)
                                    1C: Chocobo Sage
                                    1D: Materia Cave #4
                                    1E: Disc 1: Controlling Key to Ancients (underwater)
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    1F: Inside submarine (underwater), outside Gelinka ship
                                    20: <outside area entered>
                                    21: <outside area entered>
                                    22: <long wave sound, outside area entered>
                                    23: <short wave sound, outside area entered>
                                    24: Boat ride (from Junon, 1st half)
                                    25: Boat ride (to Costa del Sol, 2nd half)
                                    26: Disc 1: Boat ride (from Junon, whole trip)
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    27: Disc 1: Boat ride (from Costa del Sol, whole trip)
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    28: Disc 1: Southeast end of Wutai, stuck in sea
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: Southeast end of Wutai, stuck in sea
                                    29: Inside highwind, above Junon
                                    2A: Inside submarine (underwater), close to wharf
                                    2B: Nibelheim (north exit)
                                    2C: Nibelheim Cave (entrance)
                                    2D: <outside area entered>
                                    2E: Disc 1: Nibelheim Cave (exit)
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    2F: Icicle Inn (north exit)
                                    30: Gaea's Cliff
                                    31: Disc 1: Rocket Town, next to Rocket
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    32: <outside area entered>
                                    33: Disc 1:
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: Diamond Weapon scene, no Diamond Weapon
                                    34: <outside area entered>
                                    35: <outside area entered>
                                    36: Disc 1:
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: A little west of Junon, stuck in sea
                                    37: Ancient Forest
                                    38: In submarine (underwater), stuck in a wall
                                    39: Coral Valley Cave (entrance)
                                    3A: Forgotten City
                                    3B: In Highwind, above North Crater
                                    3C: Disc 1: Gaea Cliffs, in Snowfield (entrance, Cloud will speak)
                                    Disc 2:
                                    Disc 3: <freeze>
                                    3D: Gaea Cliffs, in Snowfield (area 1)
                                    3E: Gaea Cliffs, in Snowfield (area 2)
                                    3F: Gaea Cliffs, in Snowfield (area 3)
                                    40: Gaea Cliffs, in Snowfield (area 4, near Cave)
                                    eg. Teleport to Materia Cave #4 (KOTR Materia): 3009AAC1 0001
                                    3009AAC2 001D
                                    Teleport to Midgar: 3009AAC1 0001
                                    3009AAC2 0001
                                    80099F27 xxxx
                                    9.7. FMV Viewer (through New Game)                           8009AAC2 xxxx
                                    This section currently needs working on.
                                    This will change the FMV that shows when you select New Game. (in Disc 1
                                    only) Turn the code off right after you've seen the FMV. If you don't, the
                                    first battle will be against Ultimate Weapon/Yuffie. Then when you go
                                    to the next screen you'll be outside of some random place.
                                    0000 to 0013 don't have anything to do with the storyline and -- denotes
                                    a movie worth watching.
                                    xxxx     Movie
                                    0000     <test FMV> <Repeating Snowstorm>
                                    0001     <test FMV> <Repeating Snowstorm>
                                    0002     Train leaving from North Corel
                                    0003     Train coming back to North Corel
                                    0004     Train coming into Gold Saucer
                                    0005     Train leaving from Gold Saucer
                                    0006     Rollercoaster movie 1
                                    0007     Rollercoaster movie 2 (Chocobos run past)
                                    0008     Rollercoaster movie 3 (Gold Saucer overview)
                                    0009     Rollercoaster movie 4 (Ghost Inn overview)
                                    000A     Rollercoaster movie 5 (Rising balloons)
                                    000B     Moving up to observatory
                                    000C     Moving down from observatory
                                    000D     Upper Junon lift moving up
                                    000E     Upper Junon lift moving down
                                    000F     Lower Junon lift moving up (pt. 2)
                                    0010     Lower Junon lift moving down (pt. 1)
                                    0011     Lower Junon lift moving down (pt. 2)
                                    0012     Lower Junon lift moving up (pt. 1)
                                    0013     <test FMV> <Blue explosion> 
                                    0014     Screen zooms down on Midgar, looks up at a building
                                    0015     Top right reactor blows up
                                    0016     A small explosion coming from a door (this plays when you blow
                                    up the first reactor)
                                    0017     Cloud jumps onto train
                                    0018     Train goes around the base of Midgar
                                    0019     A bridge breaks in a Sector
                                    001A     Cloud falls of the bridge that broke
                                    001B     Roof of tower explodes
                                    001C     Tower falls down, the party escape on a rope
                                    001D     Guard falls asleep in front of Camera
                                    001E --  The party drive out of Midgar
                                    001F     Overview of Nibel Caves
                                    0020     View of Nibel reactor
                                    0021     Nibel Caves, bridge breaking
                                    0022     Monster in Nibel Reactor coming out of pod
                                    8009D130 xxyy
                                    9.8. Game Clock                                              3009D132 00zz
                                    This code was discovered by Kane O'Riley.
                                    This code will modify the time on your Game Clock - good for making your
                                    saves look complete.
                                    Set "xx, yy and zz" to "00" to set your clock back to 00:00:00
                                    Set "xx and yy to "FF" and "zz" to "10" to set your clock to 99:59:59 (the
                                    I will do more testing on this to work out other times.
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                  --10.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_       --Codes that didn't make it past the test--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    10.1. Cloud Action Modifier (while standing)                8009CAAEC 00xx
                                    This modifies Cloud's action while he is standing. It differs for every
                                    Basically because every area is different, and the code is pointless.
                                    Other Information: 
                                    Highwind (cockpit)           Entrance to Midgar           Kalm (main)
                                    00    Standing               00    Standing               00    Standing
                                    01    Walking                01    Walking                01    Walking
                                    02    Running                02    Running                02    Running
                                    03    Shaking                03    Climbing               03    Tap foot
                                    04    Moving feet            04    Jumping                04    Tap foot
                                    05    Looking to ground                                   05    Shaking
                                    06    Looking to ground
                                    07    Nod head
                                    08    Nod head
                                    09    Shrugging
                                    10.2. Camera Modifier                                        3009AAD7 xxxx
                                    This will modify the position of the camera.
                                    Not specific enough, the camera can't get in any real good positions.
                                    Other Information:
                                    0001     Camera is up alot, Cloud at bottom of screen at all times
                                    0002     Camera is also up, but with small differences
                                    00BC     Brings screen to bottom and wont move up
                                    10.3. Sephiroth is mortal and usable                         8009C9CC 0000
                                    Sephiroth must be in the 3rd position for this to work, and you cannot
                                    have Vincent. Use a Phoenix Down when the battle starts and you will be
                                    able to control Sephiroth.
                                    Made obsolete by another code - it's also pretty annoying to use a
                                    Phoenix Down every battle.
                                    Other Information:
                                    The code simply puts Sephiroth's HP to 0 at all times. This means you
                                    have to keep the code on at all times.
                                    D009AB28 0800
                                    10.4. Watch the ending movie                                 8009AAC0 0501
                                    Press Start while in a town (disc 3 only) and the movie will start.
                                    No other FMVs to view. (could've done more testing to find other
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                  --11.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                  --Codes that need more testing--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    11.1. Control Characters                                     8009AAEA 00xx
                                    This will allow you to control any moving character/sprite on screen. xx
                                    is the sprite number to control. This code will most likely remain under
                                    this section as there are so many areas to test for.
                                    Here is what I have currently found. You will need to use a Joker Code for
                                    this as you wont be able to go back to Cloud otherwise. To return to
                                    Cloud, xx is equal to 00.
                                    >>: Everything after the previous number
                                    <tbc>: I have yet to find the missing results
                                    ??: I'm not sure about my notes
                                    Kalm Town
                                    Main Area
                                    05: Nil
                                    06: Guy in blue shirt (walks near shops)
                                    07: Old man with green pants (walks around)
                                    08: Standing guy on right of center (the one in green)
                                    Inn, 1st Floor
                                    05: Nil
                                    06: Lady at Counter
                                    >>: Nil
                                    Inn, 2nd Floor
                                    >>: Nil
                                    Costa del Sol
                                    Main Area
                                    01: Nil
                                    02: Nil
                                    03: Nil
                                    04: Lady ar Bar window [woman1]
                                    05: Tourist information lady [woman2]
                                    06: [oyaji1]
                                    07: ?? Shop owner next to Inn right
                                    08: ?? Shop owner right of Inn
                                    01: Nil
                                    02: Nil
                                    03: Nil
                                    04: Nil
                                    05: Nil
                                    01: Nil
                                    02: Lady near cash counter
                                    03: Right guy near surfboards
                                    04: Left guy near surfboards
                                    05: Mukki (guy on chair, left)
                                    07: Wrestler (guy on chair, middle)
                                    08: Wrestler (guy on chair, right)
                                    Johnny's Home
                                    01: Nil
                                    02: Nil
                                    03: Johnny
                                    08: Black girl on beach chair
                                    05: Cait Sith
                                    06: Vincent
                                    07: Cid
                                    08: Crewman (on left)
                                    Large Area
                                    01: Nil
                                    02: Yuffie
                                    05: Nil
                                    06: Nil
                                    07: Nil
                                    08: Crewman
                                    Upper Junon
                                    "Upper-class" Inn
                                    01: Nil
                                    02: Nil
                                    03: Nil
                                    04: Inn Owner
                                    05: Save Point
                                    Gold Saucer
                                    Chocobo Square
                                    08: Esthar
                                    \    / ¯|¯ ¯|¯                                                  --12.0--
                                    \  /  _|_ _|_                            --Hidden in the Game--
                                    \/           PAL
                                    There are a number of things in the game that the developers have hidden
                                    or removed that can be unlocked with a cheat device. This section is
                                    devoted to listing them.
                                    Using the Materia Modifier code, you can unlock the following hidden
                                    0016: In Japan, this has the name "Booster". It is a combination (white)
                                    materia. It possibly boosted the characters stats (I forgot to
                                    test when I used the code)
                                    0026: In Japan, this has the name "Law". It is a command materia (yellow)
                                    with the "Coin" ability. When you highlight the Coin option in
                                    battle, this is shown in the info. bar: "What can I say? It's all
                                    about the money". A joke put in by one of the programmers.
                                    003F: This magic materia (green) has the Mabarrier ability. Probably
                                    made obsolete due to the Barrier materia.
                                    0042: Has the name "Reflect" in the Japanese version. It cannot be used
                                    in battle, but if it is the only materia you hold, "Magic" will
                                    show up but you can't select it.
                                    0043: This is given the name "Rifabu" (translation: Reflect Wave) in the
                                    Japanese version. It has the same characteristics as 0042.
                                    Using the Key Item code, you can unlock the following Key Items:
                                    "Letter to a Daughter"           8009D196 0200
                                    -  A letter to a daughter who lives in Kalm
                                    "Letter to Wife".                8009D196 0400
                                    - A letter to a wife who lives in Kalm
                                    Apparently these two Key Items were in the Beta version, but they were
                                    taken out of the completed version.
                                    A look through the Cosmo FF7 Editor (for the PC version) will find this
                                    I am a traveling salesman,
                                    going around the world.
                                    I came because I heard that near
                                    this village was Materia strong
                                    enough to shake the earth.
                                    Even I get homesick and want
                                    to see my family.
                                    I have a favor to ask of you.
                                    Can you get this letter to my lovely wife?
                                    Will you do it for me?
                                    Take the letter
                                    [Choice]Not interested
                                    This confirms that the Key Items were part of a quest and that they were
                                    removed from the Beta version.
                                    The Debug Room. This is where all of the programmers tested, played
                                    around and basically 'debugged' things.
                                    Some of the attractions are:
                                    - Sending yourself to almost any location.
                                    - Changing party members. (Aeris, Sephiroth)
                                    - Filling your materia stock with Bahamut.
                                    - Pyramid battle. (Huge amounts of EXP and AP)
                                    I am not going to go into more discussion about the Debug Room. Instead,
                                    have a read of the three FAQs available on it at GameFAQs:
                                    Scroll down and click one of the Debug Room Guides. I recommend ADean's
                                    Using the Enemy Modifier code, you can get the "Apologising Pyramids".
                                    enemy. They are not available in the normal game - anywhere.
                                    The real name that shows is "êúôO(äñ)". These weird monsters will
                                    say the following things when you attack them:
                                    - monster"Not a probrem"
                                    - monster"That's too bad"
                                    - monster"I'm sorry"
                                    Yes, "problem" is spelt wrong. Other things to note:
                                    - You can manipulate them, however they will have no attacks.
                                    - The battle location will be in a forest (the same as a Yuffie battle)
                                    - They are unable to be sensed (I'll try a "always sense code" later)
                                    - You get 60,000 EXP for killing them.
                                    They also appear in the Debug Room, however in a different form and
                                    with different attributes.
                                    I'll write more about this as I find out more.