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Height: 6'2
Weight: 245
Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio
Affiliation: Omega

Born and raised in Cincinnati Fuzz took on to wrestling at an early age. Finally when time came he enrolled in a wrestling academy. After a few years in indy feds, wrestling along with his good friend Hawk he caught on with the GWE where he soon became a name to be reckoned with. Hawk would soon join him and they would begin going from federation to federation working their way up. They would soon form the Natural Born Killers together and would take the UWE by storm capturing all the gold and holding it until its closing. That is when Fuzz took some time off for a while, until Jack Money rang him up and extended an invite. Being rested he figured it was time to get back in the show. In his first season he went undeafeated, and he did not stop there. In his second season on the show he would Capture the TV Title and soon after also capture the Heavyweight Title. He would go on to hold the TV title a record 106 days, also during that span he would have double gold for 50 days also a record for a single person holding two titles. He has went on to several title reigns and along with Hawk has been apart of one of the single most dominant factions in wrestling history. Only time will tell however how much longer this will continue.